Thursday, May 2, 2019

Watermelon Girl

As my series for art class, I decided I wanted to draw girls drawing fruits. The girls I wanted to paint were all supposed to be drastically different, but still showing that no matter what you look like and even if you don’t live up to society’s usual beauty standards. I really liked the texture in this piece, so I kept the paint thin to let the texture show through. I also wanted the colors to match the color of the fruit she’s holding, in this case a watermelon.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Paint Splatter

 When it comes to art for me, I like everything to be neat and tidy. For these shoes, I wanted to try something new and exciting. I first painting my canvas shoes with black acrylic paint, and then I mixed a pink, purple, and yellow acrylic with white and diluted with water. I took the pastel colors and went to town flinging paint and splattering it on the black background.

Hidden Face

For this painting, I decided to recreate the oldest piece of art I own from when I was still in elementary school. When I was younger, I had a habit of drawing too hard and not being able to erase it. Because of this, my oldest art has the face of a man I tried to erase but couldn't. I included this by attempting to create the hidden face of a man in the center.

Watermelon Girl

As my series for art class, I decided I wanted to draw girls drawing fruits. The girls I wanted to paint were all supposed to be drastical...